Here are some ways on how to improve your interpersonal skills to better connect with those around you:

1. Acknowledge others

When someone speaks, listen. When someone offers feedback, be gracious. And when someone lends you a hand, thank them.

Most of the time, people simply want to be recognized and acknowledged for what they do. So, give someone a compliment! Let them know you’ve noticed their hard work. Tell them you appreciate their ideas.

2. Practice compassion

Concern for the well-being of others is an important trait we must all work to further nurture, both in ourselves and in others.

So, if you see that someone is having a hard time, a bad day, or a difficult experience, reach out to them. Ask them how you can help. Listen to them compassionately. Bring them a coffee. Draw them a funny doodle and leave it on their desk.

After all, caring for others is all about the small, intimate acts of kindness we extend on a daily basis.

3. Take an interest in others

We’re often too concerned with our own problems and difficulties to pay much mind to others.

So, the next time you open your mouth to complain or vent, instead, try asking the person you’re interacting with how they’re doing.

Ask them about their hobbies, their passions, their interests. Get to know people on a deeper and more fulfilling level.

If you want to connect with others, you’ll need to make the effort to express an interest in their lives.

Working to improve your interpersonal skills is a worthwhile endeavor; it’s something you can work at each and every day for lasting, influential results.


Bobby Wan

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