Non Surgical Facelift | Skin Tightening Treatment
skin treatment April 15th. 2022, 5:31am
Dr. Lisa Pruett explains how to tighten skin on face with AccuTite:
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Hi I’m Dr. Lisa Pruett I’m a board-certified dermatologist at the Center for Aesthetic and Laser Medicine at Trinity dermatology. I’m going to be talking to you about AccuTite. AccuTite is bipolar radiofrequency. This is a non-surgical treatment that we can do to target areas of the face and body that require a little bit of fat melting and skin tightening.
AccuTite is a miniature device and that’s been used for many years in plastic surgery with body tight and face tight. It is a smaller version of that same technology that we can use to target areas such as the lower eyelids, the jowls, the submental neck, small areas of fat which might be seen in axillary folds above the knees. It’s a great non-surgical option for patients that might not be ready for something like a surgical blepharoplasty or a facelift. A good candidate for this treatment is really a big age range of patients anyone in their 30s all the way up to their 60s or 70s would be good candidates. People that might have a little bit of excess of fat that’s showing in their lower lid and with a little bit of skin laxity. Somebody that’s starting to notice that the jowls in their lower face are starting to be more prominent or that their double chin is starting to be something that they’re thinking about treating. The results from your AccuTite treatment will continue to improve over time because of the way that the procedure is done you will have some immediate shrinking of the tissue that’s being treated, but you will continue to improve over about eight weeks, you will have more collagen and elastin tissue production and results might even continue to get better for up to a year. When a patient comes in for a consultation we will discuss the treatment in detail and go over any questions you may have. When you come in for your actual treatment we will take photographs, we will be marking in the area that we’re going to be treating and then you’ll receive anesthesia. We only use local or topical anesthesia during the treatment and there is also an option for us to give you Pro Knox, which is self-administered nitrous oxide which makes the procedure very comfortable. Depending on the area treated after the procedure you might have a little bit of swelling that can last up to a week or two or three downtime will be discussed during your consultation because it really depends on the area that you’re treating and the amount of tissue that we’re going to be treating.
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Everyone wants to stay young forever and everyone asks me what is the best cream for skin tightening. So if you look as ageing a process, it is not just loosening of the skin that contribute s to the aging. Aging happens at many levels from the outside to the inside, the epidermis the dermis, the fat, muscle and then the bone. So aging happens at every level. So at the epidermis or the outer skin surface the skin aging looks like there is slight pigmentation but at the dermis level you starts developing the fine wrinkles and then at the fat level you start developing hollowness of the eyes , hollowness around the lips and then you start developing the secular developed lines which are the smile lines around the eyes or the frown lines on the forehead and you get the by deformities because of aging and you get more skin lacking. So if you imagine that a cream will be giving you a result for all this of course it is not right. So when you talk about skin tightening, you are talking about loosening that is happening in the dermis mostly or in the subcutaneous range and in this the treatment of choice would be better to do a thread lift or a filler treatment to reposition the fat in this area or to do radiofrequency or to do a n ultrasound based skin tightening treatment, so there are many such devices that are available in the market and a gold standard equipments are there. These increase the collagen the deposition in the skin and are anchoring the skin better. They are best suited within the lines have just started to develop when between the ages of 35 to maybe 50 to 55. After 60 these treatments become more difficult to deliver because the amount of collagen the skin can develop post the treatment also can decrease.

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