Happy Valentine’s Day 2022: We all know Valentine’s Day can be a loving holiday full of joy and genuine gratitude for the special someone in people’s lives.
But before you reach for that pint of ice cream to douse your annoyance or hatred for this festival, it doesn’t have to be this way. You can still plan an amazing day for yourself on February 14. Just because Valentine’s Day is promoted as a day for couples doesn’t mean you cannot commemorate this festival of love by celebrating self-love instead. So, here are some cool ways you can do the same.
Have a Regular Day
Just because everyone says so doesn’t mean that you have to do anything special on Valentine’s Day to get through it. You can treat this festival as any regular day by waking up and following your usual schedule. Sometimes the best way to enjoy a day is by spending quality time with yourself and connecting with your mind.
Cook dinner for your parents
If you live with your parents because of the Covid-19 pandemic, take some time out to celebrate Valentine’s Day by cooking a romantic dinner for them. After all, the best way to mark this day is by celebrating your parents’ love. Set the table, light candles, and open a good bottle of wine. If you are a single-parent child, whip up your parent’s favourite dish and enjoy some quality time with them.
Bake a Cake For Yourself
If you love baking and having sweets is your weakness, make a delectable dessert and don’t share it with anyone. Choose a recipe that’s a little more advanced, and believe us, you will be proud of yourself once you are done and have that first bite.
Try A New Recipe
Prepare a lavish spread for yourself on Valentine’s Day if you love cooking instead of baking. Pick an exotic dish you have always wanted to try, and get busy in the kitchen. You will be relishing the tasty result of your hard work at the end of the day.
Plan a Date With Your Best Friend
Meet up with your best friend and spend some quality time with them. Plan the day beforehand and enjoy doing both of your favourite activities the entire time you are together. After all, best friend love is something to celebrate.
Stay off Social Media
Yes, you read that right. Valentine’s Day is the best time to stay off social media and avoid all the happy couple photos clogging up your feed. If you are just out of a relationship, you should try this step and avoid checking up on your ex-partner. Additionally, with all the stress from your everyday life and balancing platonic relationships, you’re likely in need of rest anyway. This is the digital detox you need.
Through these simple activities, one can see that love is not only about romance, but above all, it is about caring for others.

Love comes in many forms, and whether it be as a couple, as friends or with family, we can spread love and make a difference.
This Valentine’s Day, show love in a different way. With your loved ones, donate or volunteer to a cause.
Bobby Wan